Day #25 Facebook Live Challenge

Sue McVeigh VA
2 min readSep 6, 2020

Hi, it’s Sue McVeigh, VA, and today is Day 25 of my Facebook Live Challenge. And it is Father’s Day today. So I just thought, what can I think about with fathers? I think about being protectors and providers, and especially in our house, the father of the house, my hubby, has been providing and protecting us for 20, nearly 25 years. And just, and this is the reason why I started my own business with being a VA, a Virtual Assistant, was to provide for our family because he was in an accident and was unable to work for quite a time. And ever since that, not able to work at his full capacity due to injury.

So being provider has been between the two of us after him providing for so long for us. So, yeah, I just think that’s why when I think about being uncomfortable, doing a Facebook Live or putting things out there is, well, this is what I’m doing for our family. So what could be more uncomfortable than for him living with an injury? It’s a no brainer. It’s like you get up and you turn the computer on and you just keep going. So providing is differently something that we share now, and that’s what I’m working towards, is to being provider so that he can not have to work as much and can look after himself, which he totally deserves after working for all those years and looking after us. So, yeah. So to providing. Cheers to providing, and I will speak to you tomorrow. Bye.



Sue McVeigh VA

Family. Words. Design. People. Kindness. Love. Art. Admin. Business. Connection. Work Around. Outside The Box. Positivity. Mental Health. Real. Raw. Passionate.