Day #4 Facebook Live Challenge

Sue McVeigh VA
1 min readAug 16, 2020

Hello, welcome to Day 4 of my Facebook Live Challenge.

Oh golly Day 4.

So how do you get over your fear of being visible in the online space especially when you want to connect with your audience?

I’m Sue McVeigh VA and a few years ago I took a photo of my

hubby and our three kids, our youngest, who was four at the time, was pointing to each of them saying their names.

“Where’s Mama?” I asked him.

“Mama’s in the camera,” he said. I thought oh that’s lovely and then it dawned on me that I was

hiding behind the camera, not happy with how I looked and how I felt about myself. I realized that I felt invisible. I had to get over myself.

I started taking selfies and getting used to other people taking my photo and learned that we connect by being true to ourselves and being uncomfortable and that’s where the magic is.

So thank you and I’ll see you tomorrow.



Sue McVeigh VA

Family. Words. Design. People. Kindness. Love. Art. Admin. Business. Connection. Work Around. Outside The Box. Positivity. Mental Health. Real. Raw. Passionate.