Day #50 Facebook Live Challenge

Sue McVeigh VA
4 min readOct 1, 2020
Photo Credit: Canva

Hi, Sue McVeigh VA and today is day 50 of my Facebook Live challenge. 50. It’s my age. It’s a good number. It’s a lucky number. So 50 days of Facebook Live, of being uncomfortable, of being vulnerable for showing up every day regardless, for sometimes saying too much, sometimes saying just a little bit, but if you think of one person who responds or who watches or listens, and that one person says, “Oh yeah,” agrees or disagrees, reacts in any way is good. So thank you all for your patience and for your support, encouragement, feedback. And it’s good to be in a very supportive community.

Today is also my first year in business as Sue McVeigh VA. So my first birthday for my business. Now this is blowing my mind because of the growth that has happened and just so much. I just feel like I’m in a good rhythm and I’ve hit my stride. And I really am. I feel like I’m making a difference. I feel like I’m serving at my highest level, serving my clients and also just being open to connection to help anyone who needs to be connected to a certain business, contacting me and asking, “Do you know someone who does this, does that?” So that is what I love, connection. Everything’s about connection. Social media is about connection.

You could try everything you could try and sell to people. You can try and try and try, but if you don’t connect, it’s pointless. People need to connect. They need feel the need to be connected. So that’s what I will share.

Also, I am loving Gary V. Gary Vaynerchuk. He is a fantastic entrepreneur who I’ve been consuming all his podcasts and I’ve got Pinterest boards dedicated to him, his fantastic quotes. And I’ve just got two for tonight, “Patience is the core ingredient to success.”

Patience is the core ingredient to success. And I think that sums it up because I have said previously that I was impatient with my previous business, but as it turned out, that impatience and giving up led me to here. And to my passion project, to my calling, I found my calling where my love of admin and technology and design and people collide. So without giving up on that previous business, I wouldn’t have had this. So I’m grateful for being impatient. But this time there’s lessons. We never lose. We only learn. I learned that you just have to be patient. Don’t look at what other people are doing. Put your blinkers on, head down, just keep going, just keep swimming. Stay your own course. Do what you do. Only you know yourself.

And I’m a people pleaser, probably more in my past, hopefully getting out of that. But people say, “Oh, you should do this. You should do that.” And then you think, “Oh yeah.” But this is totally 100% me. So if I am all of a sudden showing up in my business and attracting clients and connections and communities, networking communities online of course, that’s what it’s all about. That’s the magic. That’s the magic.

So one more of Gary V’s before I finish is, “Make happiness louder.” Make happiness louder. You know, it’s great. It’s good to be happy. Especially when you have mental health ups and downs, it’s good to be on the happy side of it. And to feel okay about it, to feel good that, “I’m happy. My family are healthy.” And to be a success is not something to be embarrassed about because other people are struggling, but just to be happy for myself. And I know I’ve put the work in and I keep working and I will keep working because it’s getting me out of bed in the morning, when I don’t want to get out. But yeah, just passion, happiness, hard work, patience, and just so much gratitude. I’m so grateful to be living this life. And it took me until 50 to do it, but I wouldn’t trade a day of anything to get here.

So thank you all for listening and for watching, even though I might see you watching, I know who’s watching because I’m recording. This goes to a podcast and to a blog. So that’s the reason why I don’t shout out to people, but I see you watching and I’m grateful. So thank you. My 50th day and 365 days of Sue McVeigh VA. So one year. Bring it on. I am ready for the next one. Thank you. Bye.



Sue McVeigh VA

Family. Words. Design. People. Kindness. Love. Art. Admin. Business. Connection. Work Around. Outside The Box. Positivity. Mental Health. Real. Raw. Passionate.