Day #62 Facebook Live Challenge

Sue McVeigh VA
2 min readOct 14, 2020

Hello, it’s Sue McVeigh, and it’s day 62 of my Facebook Live challenge. And tonight it’s a challenge to actually get my recording done because my gorgeous family have been told a couple of times to be quiet. And they’re just a little bit too excited. So, they’ve been shushed several times. I do have a sign on my door that says, “Please be quiet, I’m recording.” That sign might be there all the time, but I did stick my head out the door and said, “I’m Recording.” And they were quiet, and they were quiet, so I was recording my first try. And I was waffling on a bit, maybe that was a sign to redo, but they just started talking really loudly. And it’s lovely to have everyone here, but gee-whiz keep it down. But that’s the thing, that’s what you have with the family. And I’m probably the loudest one of the lot. But yes, I was talking about what you need help within your business, what you need help within your life. I love to outsource, I love to connect people with businesses. So, if you have something you’re looking for that you’re unable to find. I have so many connections and so many amazing people that I know and would love to connect you with. So, if you’re ever in doubt, whatever you need, just let me know. And I can see if I know somebody, who knows somebody, who knows somebody. But yes, so thankfully I’m a bit more lighter now that I’ve had a bit of a giggle and an eye roll at the family, but it’s all good. It’s all good. I’ve had a bit of a flat day. So, trying to recover from my marathon of working, working, working, working, working, and it all hit me today. And it’s just take it easy, take it quietly, and I will see you tomorrow. Thank you. Bye.



Sue McVeigh VA

Family. Words. Design. People. Kindness. Love. Art. Admin. Business. Connection. Work Around. Outside The Box. Positivity. Mental Health. Real. Raw. Passionate.