Day #67 Facebook Live Challenge

Sue McVeigh VA
3 min readOct 21, 2020

Hi, it’s Sue McVeigh VA and today is day 67 of my Facebook Live Challenge, it’s Sunday evening it’s still a little bit light outside with daylight savings.

I want to ask you some questions about your Sunday. Have you set up the rest of your week? Ready and raring to go? Is your social media scheduled? Facebook? Instagram? LinkedIn? Pinterest? Twitter? Is it in, is it locked in, scheduled? One thing off your list. Don’t forget to share random posts during the week, maybe behind the scenes, you know, light bulb moments, anything that you may add to your already scheduled posts and maybe complement those by throwing in a few others in the moment, on the go posts. Are your Facebook Live and IGTV topics jotted down? Just to get a rough idea of what you’re going to say throughout the week and that would be for me to actually start doing IGTV. I did one the other week, yeah two weeks ago I think, so that has to be definitely added on to my list.

Your daily task lists — are they up to date? Do you have a physical list that you like

to tick off each achievement and really simple things like getting dressed getting showered, they’re good ones to tick just so you have something to start your day — ticking off and you’re achieving as you’re starting off. Are your Zoom meetings or any online meetings in your calendar? In your paper calendar? In your digital calendar? Make sure they’re in there because I forgot one on Friday, it was a food intolerance course that I’m taking and I forgot. That was the day I had my headache but I did forget because I didn’t have an alarm set on my phone, which is my next thing so all your Zoom meeting and any other meetings match up with an alarm on your phone, five to ten minutes beforehand so that you’re prepared, you’re at the computer, you have researched, you have the correct notes ready and it’s that’s

really good etiquette to set up the Zoom call from scratch that you organized and you’re not wasting any time once you get on there. The alarms, I love setting alarms on my phone and you can actually label them, you can have recurring alarms for each, if it’s a Tuesday particularly, you have a meeting set at that time, do a recurring alarm and have that like five to ten minutes beforehand before the meeting is due to start and also to make sure you have time slot in time for yourself just to maybe watch an episode of your favorite Netflix show or to read a book, to have a walk, just to have a break and get some fresh air and that’s where I find the household chores and things like that like I said last week, just hanging out washing if it’s a nice sunny day, you’re hanging out washing, you’re outside and it just sort of helps you recharge a bit to come back in and keep going with your work. So yes, set up Sunday, how are you going? How do you set up your Sundays for the week ahead? So let’s get this week happening and have a good one.

Thank you




Sue McVeigh VA

Family. Words. Design. People. Kindness. Love. Art. Admin. Business. Connection. Work Around. Outside The Box. Positivity. Mental Health. Real. Raw. Passionate.